The somber tale of Muhammad Ibrahim, a member of a financially struggling family, unfolds with a poignant narrative. His brothers, residing abroad for years, faithfully sent him a substantial sum each month, enabling him to save diligently. Recently, upon their instruction, he embarked on opening an account at the HBL branch in Parachinar City to deposit his hard-earned savings.
Upon arrival at the bank, he was ushered to a secluded corner by a Sales officer, where he was startled to behold 60 lakh rupees neatly wrapped in a sheet. Despite being a simple and unsuspecting individual, he was informed by the officer that to proceed with opening a savings account, he must complete the requisite formalities. Subsequently, he was directed to procure a 100 rupees stamp paper, a copy of his CNIC, and other necessary documents from a nearby market.
Tragically, as he made his way towards the photocopier shop, he fell prey to masked assailants who abducted him. Despite exhaustive efforts by his family and law enforcement agencies, his lifeless body was discovered the following day at the residence of the Sales officer. Shockingly, he had been ruthlessly murdered by the officer in a heartless pursuit of financial gain, a grievous act committed during the sacred month of Ramadan.
The Sales officer has admitted to his wrongdoing. According to the bank manager’s testimony, the individual in question did not visit the bank. However, upon review of CCTV footage by law enforcement officials the following day, the same individual was observed conversing with the cashier. Therefore, he should also be held responsible for his actions.