In a heartwarming collaboration between Abu Dhabi Police’s Traffic Awareness and Education Team and the Make a Wish Foundation, a young boy’s dream came true as he was outfitted in a police officer’s uniform and embarked on a memorable journey. Accompanied by his sister, they embarked on a patrol through the city streets, where the child’s joy was evident at the sound of the police siren. The day was filled with interactions with officers and immersive experiences, all orchestrated to fulfill the boy’s dream. This special occasion, organized in partnership with the Umniah Foundation, coincided with Emirati Children’s Day, showcasing the commitment to children’s happiness and well-being. CEO Hani Al Zubaidi expressed gratitude to Abu Dhabi Police for making the dream a reality, while the Traffic and Security Patrols Directorate furthered awareness efforts through engaging workshops and displays, underscoring the UAE’s dedication to children’s rights and safety.